Sunday, August 26, 2007

Our little babies are growing up...

No, I'm not talking about Orion, Isabella, Hunter, and Sabrina, although they are also getting bigger. Here's the latest pics from the Wilson garden. We've been spared the worst of the hail, although we had some very minor damage last week. I think we might have met the goal of getting a pumpkin that weighs as much as the kids combined (approx 110lbs). If we can keep them growing through September, maybe we can throw Mom and Dad in there too :-) Right now we have 8 pumpkins, the smallest is just bigger than a basketball (I think it may have stopped growing). The 4 "Big Orange and Beautiful" all probably weigh 50-100 lbs. The other 4 are from the 1060lb seed. I think 2 of those are 100+ lbs. Hope for a warm September...

This one started out the biggest, but the one below may have caught/surpassed it. I'm guessing both of these are 100+?
Orion, Isabella, and Hunter are very proud of their pumpkins.
Here's the biggest "Big, Orange, and Beautiful" pumpkin. It might go 100+ also. It is definitely much more orange than the others. This one plant has four of these, with two near 100lbs, and the other two 50-75?

1 comment:

Nicole and Matt said...

And Isabella actually has all of her clothes on in this picture...