Wednesday, June 10, 2009

See we could grow pumpkins!!

This picture was probably taken in 1985 when we used to live in Sunnyvale,CA. We would be really happy if we could grow just one like any of these. This would be Meghan with the pumpkins.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Where's Cinerby???!

This isn't a trick... has anybody seen a pumpkin plant running down the street?! The picture above is where "Cinerby", our adopted pumpkin plant, was planted in the ground. What happened you ask? I don't know! I don't think an animal came and ate it because we've had the greenhouse over it and I never noticed any opennings. We kept it pretty well sealed. The last time I saw it though, it looked pretty sick. It was shrivled down to 1 leaf the size of my thumb nail.
The picture above shows a hole right about where I planted Cinerby. Maybe I should put an ad on one of those missing persons milkcartons...
Here's our other plant. It's looking pretty good. I think it got a little too hot and that's the reason for the brown spots on the leaves. We took the greenhouse off last night and put the hail netting up. This one plant is our only hope for this year :(. But it's going to produce some prize winning pumpkins!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Pumpkin House

While I was in Kansas helping Corey move into his new apartment, Herbie and son #3 built the pumpkin house (as Corey calls it). The netting is to protect the pumpkins from hail and deer.