Monday, May 18, 2009

Forsyth Pumpkin Patch

I was trying to think of a clever story for the reason we built such a fancy pumpkin patch. I thought I could write that since we adopted a plant this year, we wanted to make sure it knew where it came from so we mimicked the home it would have been in if it weren't adopted. The only difference is we didn't want the adopted plant to get lonely in its new home so we put it in the same greenhouse "room" as it's new sibling.
Matt said I should just write "just keeping up with the Adams'!"
Take your pick...

Now we just need a sign that says "Forsyth Pumpkin Patch - Beware of old guard dog!"

Here is the adopted pumpkin plant. I named it Cinerbie after it's original parents...

Here's our plant. I named it BPF (Baby Pumpkin Forsyth).

Their finished home...

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